26 november 2010

New blog!

Hey everyone!
I'm sorry about barely posting the past few weeks. But the stressful times at college are over for a while :) So yes I will be posting again. But right now I'd like to announce that I've started another blog! It's about beauty stuff, not just nails and it is written in Dutch. Take a look if you'd like:

Thanks for reading! xxx

18 november 2010

Catrice Glamourama En Vogue & Times Square After Midnight

Hey everyone,

This month Catrice came out with their new Limited Edition collection, called 'Glamourama'. This collection has four polishes.

04 Glamourista, 01 Mirror Mirror, 02 En Vogue and 03 Times Square After Midnight.

Well first of all, I didn't buy all of these. In the display Mirror Mirror looked like a pretty plain silver, nothing special. Glamourista also just didn't appeal to me that much. En Vogue and Time Square After Midnight however did, but well, gorgeous blues and purples.. what can you do.

14 november 2010

Orly Out of this World

I don't have many words for this one..

Out of this World is a polish from Orly's Cosmic FX collection. It's a deep purple base with violet, gold and green shimmer flecks. Wearing three coats in these pictures.

I love it so much!

13 november 2010

Glitter Ombre

Hey everybody,

Last night I had to go to birthday. Not a really fun one at that, but I still wanted my nails to match the occasion. I couldn't think of anything festive myself, so I copied this look of a picture I had saved on my laptop.

It's a grey-black ombre, with silver diagonal stripes and some pink glitters on the edges.

The polishes I used were:
- Artdeco 65 (grey)
- Essence Fatal (black)
- Uma Glitter Liner (silver glitter)
- Essence Carrie (pink glitter)

I'm quite happy with how this look turned out :)

Thanks for reading! xx

11 november 2010

Catrice Absolutely Chinchilly, Run Forest Run & Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans

This month Catrice changed the face of their entire collection, they also came out with three new polishes in the Ultimate Nail Lacquer line.

Absolutely Chinchilly, Run Forest Run and Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans.

8 november 2010

Essence Metallics swatches

The new trend edition by Essence, Metallics, is out. There's something special for the nail polishes in this collection. Four of them have metallic parts in them and Essence also sells a small magnet in this collection. When you hold the magnet above a fresh polished nail, the metallic parts start to move and create stripes in the polish. This whole idea got me very excited about this collection, so I decided to buy all the polishes.

01 Iron Goddess, 02 Copper Rulez, 03 Steel Me, 04 Nothing Else Metals, 05 Metal Battle and the magnet.

7 november 2010


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MNY swatches 445, 657 and 673

Not too long MNY came to the Netherlands. The brand is descriped as Maybelline's little sister. All their products cost less than €3, the packaging looks really cute and they have some nice colors in their polish collection!
I recently bought four of them. One is just plain white and I haven't swatched that one yet.
The polishes haven't been given names, but numbers.. the only brand that gets away with that to me is Nfu Oh, their numbers are famous anyway. But this just annoys me, they could've given them atleast some simple names.

This is 445


Lovely Blog Award

I received my first award ^^ Ah I'm really excited about it! I got this one from Sylvia of Nailart Creations. Thank you so much!
So now I have to tag 15 other blogs. I picked some of my favorites out of my blogroll (some of these are Dutch blogs).

6 november 2010

China Glaze 'Secret Peri-wink-le' and a pink ombre

Hey everyone,
I'm sorry about not updating for a while. Sometimes I'm busy, sometimes I'm lazy, sometimes life gets in the way.. and sometimes the weather gets in the way. The clock has been set to wintertime and I've got a stressful period at college. I've been leaving in the dark and getting back home in the dark :( It really sucks. One day I was home while the sun was shining a little, I was wearing China Glaze Secret Peri-wink-le of the Operation Colour collection. It happened to be a very difficult colour to catch on camera. It constandly turned out way too blue.


This is the best picture I've got of it. It's too bad my camera still changed the colour a little bit, it's much prettier in real life. It's a purple-blue-ish colour and very shiny. I love this polish! And I can't remember how many coats I was wearing.. :)

I also did a pink ombre with some polka dots this week. Totally copied it of an image a had saved on my laptop. I can't remember all the colors I used for this one, all I know is that the base of my pink and ringfinger nails look like their the same colour. Which they aren't.


The picture is pretty dark and crappy, but like I said, I'm not being blessed with proper natural light anymore..

Thanks for reading! xx

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